
We are sad to report that Amazon is discontinuing their popular Amazon Smile program, which gave non-profits like ours a 5% kickback on eligible purchases. We will need to offset this income source in the future and will be researching ways to do that. All ideas are welcome if anyone has any thoughts feel free to reach out: [email protected]


To ensure your eligible purchases go toward our school, visit and sign into your account.  Then choose Belle Aire PTA as your charitable organization.  If you shop with a web browser, continue to use URL every time you shop. If you use the Amazon app, make sure that AmazonSmile is turned ON in the app settings. Once this is done, a percentage of your eligible purchases will be donated to our school and you can see your contribution in your account details.  Happy Shopping!

How do I shop with AmazonSmile?

To use AmazonSmile, simply go to on your web browser or activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app on your iOS or Android phone within the Settings or Programs & Features menu. On your web browser, you can add a bookmark to to make it even easier to return and start your shopping with AmazonSmile..

How do I activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app?
AmazonSmile is available for Amazon customers with the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app on their mobile phone, including Android devices with version 7.0+ or iOS devices with version 12+. To activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app, simply tap on “AmazonSmile” within the Programs & Features menu or Settings and follow the on-screen instructions.
Step 1: From the app, push the three lines to open your menu options.
Step 2: Click “Gifting & Charities” and scroll down until you see AmazonSmile
Step 3: Make sure it says “ON.” If not, click it and follow the directions to select Belle Aire.
Learn more at the About AmazonSmile page.

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