Email Communications

We are using Mailchimp, a free email communication tool to reach you weekly!

Important information is distributed weekly (and occasional flyers are sent home in backpacks) so watch your inbox for emails from display name “Belle Aire PTA” and email address [email protected]. Please make sure it is not hitting your junk or ‘newletter/promotion’ folders.

Not receiving emails? Sign up!

Need to place an announcement in an upcoming email? Contact the communications manager

During the school year, emails are sent every Sunday with a review of the week’s upcoming events, announcements and reminders. Often a Thursday reminder email will also be sent (hot lunch, spirit days). Occasional emails are provided as needed due to a special event, volunteering needs/opportunities or a PTA program with lots of detailed information (ex. Variety Show).

Mailchimp enables us to design a consistent look & feel and provides us with statistics on delivery, read rates, click rates, etc. which helps us know the emails are going through and being read/used by parents and staff.


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